The Official Website of

Sudan Non-Olympic Online University

Sports Tie-Up

Introduce Your Sport As Certificate Course, Diploma Course, Degree Course and Research Course -Phd.

INOU invites all sports organization to introduce their sport courses under UNIVERSITY platform i.e. International Non-Olympic University INOU, Introduce Your Sport As Certificate Course, Diploma Course, Degree Course and Research Course -Phd . The main purpose of the collaboration is to develop sports and sports research community to drive right path and get recognized certification by the business and government sectors, the INOU is ready to sign memorandum of understanding - MOU between IFs and INOU.. To include your sport as university courses, kindly send your letter of interest addressed to :  Vice-Chancellor-INOU at :  [email protected] 

INOU has included these Sports as University Courses:-

SL. No.Sports International Federation - IFsWebsite
1Super-Cricket International Super-Cricket Committee -ISCC
2Sports Karate World Sports Karate Federation - WSKF



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